Közgazdasági Politechnikum

Politechnikum Alternatív Gimnázium (Poli for short) is an independent,
non-state secondary grammar school located in the Hungarian capital
city, Budapest, educating about 500 students from the age of 12 to 20 by
the lead of 45 teachers. It was founded in 1990 and is maintained by an
NGO, Budapest Polytechnic Foundation, offering a comprehensive academic
program supplemented with an entrepreneurial curriculum to students.
- Its aims are:
• to provide a positive, democratic and friendly environment with various extra-curricular programs and opportunities for all students, including those with special needs and with foreign background in order to support their personal and professional development;
• to develop their many-folded skills - humanities, sciences, foreign languages, ICT, sports, entrepreneurship;
• to educate young people committed to solidarity, inclusion, thus actively contributing to a more tolerant society;
• to foster their active citizenship and intercultural dialogue in Europe by organizing national and transnational partnership programs (school strategic partnerships, e-Twinning, youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service/European Solidarity Corps).
We have students from different socio-economic backgrounds and students with special needs/educational difficulties as well - they follow a personal development plan with the lead of our psychologist and special education teachers. There is a small number of students with foreign backgrounds. We think all our students can profit from the diversity when learning tolerance and accepting cultural differences.
Here's a short video about our school: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNECKYsUYe4&t=5s
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