September 19
Start of the first semester
of the project.
P1→ Creation of eTwinning
project. Students will
create a Face
book team targeted at the exchange of comments and the uploading of
photos. We will create a save account cloud in the Google drive where
we aim to save documents related to the project.
October 19
C1 → Short-term joint staff training events “Meeting Judaism”
P2 → Designing of an Erasmus+ corner in
each school
which will contain
information about the project title,
outcomes. In the corner there will be a
European map where
the position of partner schools
will be signaled.
P3 → The first transnational project meeting
will be held
P4 → A blog or a website to support and
promote the
achieved outcomes
of the activities that will take
place during the
transnational program.
P5 → Taking into consideration the targets of the
students will be
asked to design the logo of the
project. The
Religious Heritage, that runs across
cognitive and
humanitarian goals of the project, will
be a source of
inspiration for the students. Their
proposals will be
posed into debate and both with
the teachers, they will
choose the best and most
representative. After
the selection, the partners will
undertake the
responsibility of its dissemination.
November -
December 19
1st eTwinning sub – project “Religious buildings” : we will study and present
the religious buildings in our area : cathedrals, churches, chapels,
monasteries, convents, synagogues, mosques. Europe has a magnificent legacy of
historic buildings which adds grace and elegance to our townscapes,
countryside and built environment. However, with their original purpose in
severe decline many beautiful historic buildings now stand underused whilst
others are being lost through redevelopment or vandalism, putting at risk
hundreds of buildings that have helped define local history and identity.
We will start the
preparation for the leaflet creation according to the P7.
C2 → Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils “Discovering
Romeo Catholicism”.
January 20
P6 → The first issue of biannual school
Magazine. The Italian and Hungarian schools will be responsible for the
publication of the first issue.
P7 → Creation of a leaflet
in order to promote the
buildings of each area, especially
the neglected or abandoned ones. It will include
information about
the history, culture, natural environment and tourism around the sights of
religious interest.
February 20
Start of the second semester
of the project.
eTwinning sub – project “Art & Religion” : we will study and
present religious art. This may involve paintings or icon-painting, religious
music, different architectural norms, furnishings, monuments, sculptures,
frescoes, silver, vestments, libraries. In order to present them, students
will create videos with photos taken during the semester and will be
musically enriched by traditional religious music.
March 20
We will start the preparation for the
Religious Route application according to the P8.
April – May
C3 → Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils “Interculturalism
in a secular country”.
June 20
P8 → With the vision of the economic and touristic
of the areas around the local Religious heritage, we will create an
application (Religious Route) describing the religious buildings and
giving information to visitors of each area about the religious heritage. It
will be written in English and the media used will be software.
P9→ The second issue of biannual school
e-journal, summarizing all implemented activities, hosting pictures and
articles of the students about religious heritage and their experience in the
program. The French school will be responsible for the publication of this
second issue.
P10 → National conferences
according to the timetable and
semi - conferences in the partners' countries at the end of the first
year in order to disseminate the results of the project and sensitize the
local communities on the religious heritage and its benefits towards
sustainable development.
September 20
Start of the third semester
of project.
C4 → Short-term joint staff training events “Meeting
the Islamic heritage”.
October 20
eTwinning sub – project “Religious traditions/ Festivals” : In this semester students will make a
survey on the traditions and religious festivals of their region/religion.
They will study and present them to the other partners. At the same time,
they can find religious stories or traditions that indicate lack of
“religious spirit” such as “the burning of Judas”. Taking into consideration
the stories/traditions students will be called to create stories in
transnational groups. This will give students the chance to cooperate,
exchange ideas and sensitize them promoting empathy and solidarity.
November 20
We will
start the preparation for the story Book according to the P9.
December 20
C5 → Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils “Orthodox
Art & Tradition”.
P11→ The third issue of biannual school
e-journal, summarizing all implemented activities, hosting pictures and articles
of the students about religious heritage and their experience in the program.
The Greek and Turkish schools will be responsible for the publication of this
third issue.
January 21
P12 → Creation of a book of stories related
to cultural/religious traditions/festivals. This will give students the
chance to cooperate, exchange ideas and be sensitized promoting empathy
and solidarity.
February –
March 21
Start of the last semester
of project.
4th eTwinning sub – project “Religious
and Social issues” : In this semester we will deal with issues having to
do with religion and society. There will be given various issues of study
which each school can choose from. Students can do survey either bibliographical
or by questionnaires or interviews on their theme. When this is done, they
will present the results and their suggestions to the local communities and
the partners through semi – conferences, articles and the school journal.
This activity will enhance dialogue between partners and exchange of ideas.
April – May
C6 → Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils “The
birthplace of Protestantism”.
June 21
P13 → The last issue of biannual
school e-journal, summarizing all implemented activities, hosting pictures
and articles of the students about religious heritage and their experience in
the program. The
Czech school will
be responsible for the publication of this last issue.
P14 → National conferences according to the
timetable and semi - conferences in the partners' countries at the end of the
second year in order to disseminate the results of the project and sensitize
the local communities on the religious heritage and its benefits towards
sustainable development.
P15 → The second transnational meeting will be held
or by physical mobility. During this meeting our goal is to assess the
project and analyze the impact it had on our students and other participants,
target groups, stakeholders. So, we will have the opportunity for a self -
assessment. Finally, we will refer to the insurance of the project
dissemination in each partner country and we will
talk about
how we will sustain the results of the program through specific activities.
At this point we will start talking about the final assessment of the project
taking into consideration the goal performance, the impact, obstacles,
opportunities for improvements and long term impact.
July 21
P16 → Creation of a digital album in memory of the
August 21
We create the final report.
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