motto is "Per aspera ad astra", a latin expression which means that
though our studies are hard (aspera), we would like to reach important
goals to reach the stars (astra).
- Our school is a fairly new three storey building surrounded by a large ground. Besides the Scientific Lycee it includes a Linguistic Lycee mainly centered on the learning of foreign languages (English, French and Spanish). The school has a large gym, a multimedia language lab, a Chemistry lab, a computer lab and a library with more than 4500 books and more than 300 titles of multimedia materials. All classrooms have a computer and a LIM board.
In a separate building in the nearby town of Rignano Flaminio there is also a Technical School for Accountants and Surveyors and a Professional School which belong to IIS"Margherita Hack". Our headmistress, Mrs Gaetana Iacobone, is a very active woman who has greatly contributed to make our school more modern and efficient. About 650 students attend our school in Morlupo, and they come from many small towns situated between the Via Cassia, the Via Tiberina and along the Via Flaminia, all ancient Roman roads. Many of our students catch a train or a bus to come to school. Lessons start at 8:00 am and end at 2:00 pm from Monday to Friday, with a 15 minute break at 10:50. Students work very hard with subjects such as Maths, Science, Latin, Italian History and Literature, English, Philosophy, Art History, Religious Education (not compulsory) and P.E.
Our school promotes many optional afternoon activities such as Drama, the school newspaper, Trinity Certification Courses, European Computer Licence and many others you can find on our school website www.iismargheritahack.gov.it.
Our holidays are two weeks for Christmas, one week for Easter, and about three months for the Summer from the second week of June to the second week of September.
Morlupo is at the 32nd km of the Via Flaminia to the north of Rome, which means that it is 32km far from Piazza Venezia in Rome. Like most of the towns the students come from, it is a small town situated near a very interesting archeological and naturalistic area, the Veio Park, which is full of Etruscan graves and ruins (the Etruscans were a very civilised people who lived in the area before the Romans). It is connected to Rome by train and by coach and it is not far from the vulcanic lake of Bracciano.
The name of the school is that of a very famous astronomer, mathematician and religious man who was born in 1746 and died in 1826. He belonged to the Theatine Religious Order and he discovered Cerere, the first asteroid ever observed.
Most students who attend this school were born in Rome and many moved from Rome to its surroundings because life is quieter, more easy going and housing is less expensive. However many feel Rome is their city and love going shopping in the famous streets like Via del Corso, Via Condotti, Via Frattina and Via Veneto or they love going to cultural events, sports events, museums, to the Vatican and St.Peter's.
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